If you ever wondered just HOW FAR, the clowns at FOX would go, to shovel the shit to the ignorant gullible sheep, just consider Kellyanne ‘sewer rat Barbie’ Conway’s comments, yesterday, as she stumped from Bullshit Mountain to take down the Dem’s best chance of taking out Fat Donny.

Comparing Mike’s comments to Dotard’s famous ‘Grab ‘em by the pussy’ admission, the Hypocritical bitch sunk to a new low, even for her, of the ‘alternative facts’ fame.

When asked about Trump's own history of remarks, including those in a now-infamous "Access Hollywood" tape, Conway said Bloomberg's alleged statements were "far worse."

I’m thinking that even the densest, most ignorant and gullible sheep, Dotard’s base, can see through this bullshit, but maybe not....


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