Dotard is treating the country exactly like he treated his casinos.

Most people thought you COULDN’T lose money, being ‘the House’ in the casino business.
But Dotard proved everyone wrong and drove them into bankruptcy, like he did so many of his businesses, and he’s doing the same with our country.
His M O was to load them with debt, skim all the cash off, then declare bankruptcy, while using his Army of Lawyers to avoid responsibility and taxes.
After doing it too many times, only Russia would loan him money (according to his kids), which Putin looked upon as an investment, and what a hell of a one it was...
Now, the Liar in Chief is loading up the country with debt, like it is one of his casinos and I’m betting the result will be the same, once he and his henchmen have cashed in and left the stage.
Good job, Republican morons.


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