Readers here know that I can’t stand the jackass in the White and many of his henchmen, BUT, in this clown circus one person stands out, as an exceptional, but pretty typical, example of Dotard’s incompetence.

Could list a BUNCH of dangerous, joke appointments, but who is worse than Betsy DeVoss, who was just voted least popular of all the Trumpies, for good reason.
The bitch, and no one in her family ever attended public school, BUT, the Russian backed asshole, in some sort of cruel, America hating joke, put her inexperienced, incompetent ass in charge of the US aEducation system.
Her only ‘qualification’ is that she and her family, who got rich in Southern state multi marketing, had contributed hundreds of millions, Yup, you read right, to Dotard and the Repub party.
Their REWARD? F**k up the US Dept of Education!
Her sins are many and egregious, but refusing to honor loan forgiveness for hundreds of thousands who worked/taught in tough areas, and kept their end of the bargain is probably worst. And she refused to honor a program that forgave the school debts of wounded veterans, and has refused to negotiate the school debts of millions in special circumstances. AND, she refused to negate the loans from FAKE institutions, like Dotard’s own Trump University, where they bilked unsuspecting students out of their loan $, with zero usable education.
Fat Donny and Betsy, what a pair(R)!

Not only that, but the bitch awarded ‘Collection Agency’ status to a company she and her family are affiliated with, and they’re making a fortune on the backs of those who can’t pay.

You Pubs should be SO proud of the crooked incompetent bitch and the Russian backed jackass who appointed her.


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