It is an unarguable FACT, that higher a person’s education, the more likely it is they are a Democrat. Not even debatable....

SOOOO, to try and insure more Pub voters in the future, the Pubs have a plan.
The anti-science assholes are slashing funding to the Dept of Education, after Betsy DeVoss has done her best to ruin ‘education’ in the US.
America is gonna feel the effects of Dotard and the jackassholes who enable him for generations....

The U.S. Department of Education, easily one of the most long-standing government targets for extinction by conservatives, will face significant spending cuts in the Trump budget scheduled for unveiling on Monday.

Remember, YOU TOO can head the Dept of Education, no matter HOW unqualified you are!
Just contribute a hundred million $ to Repub politicians and hope that FOXLies and the Bible Belt can put their Russian backed, LYING NYC conman in Office.

Ain’t America great?


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