A lot of political differences are just philosophical, and sorta theoretical problems,

 BUT, the morons(R) who won’t get vaccinated are hurting us ALL, financially.

The economy is falling off a cliff, again, for ONE reason, and that’s because of the morons(R) who won’t get vaccinated, allowing COVID to grow and prosper in the bodies of those who don’t have a clue about science and/or medicine. The same jerks who swallow the crap from Dotard about his Stolen Election, that is all bullshit, just like the anti-vaxers who get their ‘news and facts’ from FOX, although FOX has done a 180 on vaccines. Just like Dotard, as they and their families are all vaccinated, but the gullible, ignorant sheep(R) are ALWAYS a few months behind.

And in the meantime they are the carriers of the deadly virus that’s shutting sown the country, and costing all of us a bunch of money. And it’s only getting worse.

It’s directly because of these uninformed/misinformed jerks(R) that businesses are faltering, travel is way down and we’re gonna have to where masks, again.

Bottom line, screw the head up their ass crowd, AGAIN. Thanks a bunch, morons(R).


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