After Trump, it’s important that we try to take back our democracy, after an arrogant thug/conman used his position like a third world dictator. The Dems are trying to make sure it never happens again, after Dotard ignored and evaded all the checks and balances in the system. Hey rightwingnuts, just which of these proposed laws, all of which Trump broke, would you disagree with?

 The legislation, called the Protecting Our Democracy Act, would make it harder for presidents to take a series of actions, including 

offering or bestowing pardons in situations that raise suspicion of corruption;

 refusing to respond to oversight subpoenas; 

spending or secretly freezing funds contrary to congressional appropriations; 

firing inspectors general or retaliating against whistle-blowers; 

and taking “emoluments” or payments while in office, including from commercial transactions.

The NYC conman/criminal just steamrolled over ALL these areas, then pardoned his fellow criminals and used his Army of Lawyers to avoid and delay prosecution, all with the help and support of the gullible, ignorant sheep who support his LIS and crimes.


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