With regards to Frank Bruni….


I can rage about the number of Americans who refuse to get Covid vaccines and who, as a result, have prevented this country’s vaccination rate from rising to the level where people are as safe as possible and the economy less encumbered. And I’ve raged, believe me.

I can get depressed about the situation. I’ve done that, too.

Or I can get a beer. That’s my strategy going forward, cuz I doubt I’m gonna convince a moron(R) who’s looked at all the information on faxes, and change their closed, warped, rightwingnut mind.

It’s just disappointing/depressing that people I know, and am related to, are so ignorant/stupid. I can’t even say gullible, cuz FOX is telling the sheep to get vaccinated and REQUIRING their employees to do so.

Never mind, since when can you use facts/reality/science on the double digit IQ, head up their ass crowd…..


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