I know the rightwingnuts and their X-Spurts, Sean and Tucker deny Climate Change/Global Warming,

 BUT, those of us with a functioning brain, living in the West, where Lake Powell and Lake Meade are DRYING UP, and Denver is breaking heat records (100 today vs 94, while the East gets record rainfall) say the anti-science morons(R) are full of shit. And to prove it, we have their anti-vax bullshit while they swallow Dotard’s crap about a Stolen Election, the evidence for which will be coming ‘next week’, for the last ten months, and they support a Russian-backed, Pathological Liar inciting a violent insurrection.

Seriously, how do these sheep breathe, with their heads so DEEP in their asses, swallowing the shit shoveled to them from Bullshit Mountain?

Seriously, how do such gullible, ignorant people survive in today’s world? I have no clue how they do it, as the latest COVID surge, brought on by THEM, is shutting down the economy, AGAIN. All because they can’t/won’t accept basic science.


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