Because of the anti-science/ignorant/unvaccinated morons(R), we are back to over 2000 deaths per day. THe most in over 7 months.

 And they’re almost all in the Repub/FOX/Trump states, where the idiots aren’t getting vaccinated, because WHY? Oh yeah, mark of the beast. And these are the same brainiacs who follow the Orange Anti-Christ.

The economy, that was just gearing up after the COVID pandemic is shutting down again, and going to cost millions of jobs.

Thanks again, morons(R). You must be SO proud….

BTW, it’s the same crowd that swallows the Stolen Election bullshit, with ZERO evidence, but who needs facts, when you WANNA believe something?

Where do these morons(R) get their information? Oh yeah, FOX celebs, (where FOX mandates vaccination), Trumpies, Nikki Minaj and TV preachers.

Yup, all WAY MORE reliable than actual epidemiologists and trained scientists….


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