I wonder….Do the morons(R0 who refuse to be vaccinated understand what it’s like to get a bad case of COVID?

 Even IF they survive, it’s many days, or weeks of agony, not being able to get a breath of air, as their lungs fill with congestion and their body is wracked with aches and fever.

And IF they survive, most of them have a (shortened) lifetime of being bedridden, or close to it.

All cuz the morons(R) swallow some crap about becoming infertile (wrong), being magnetized (HA!), getting a ‘chip’ implanted in them (HA!), or some imagined ‘conspiracy’ by the same Dems that drink babies’ blood and run a worldwide sex slave ring, fear of side effects (mild and don’t last long) or blood clots (28 out of over 100 million)

The idiots can’t claim, anymore, that it’s experimental (FDA Approved) or wait to see how it works on those who got vaccinated, (over 95% success rate).

And then there’s the Mark of the Beast crew. (Oh really, what mark?)

And those that swallow all the FOX/Trump crap, although they’ve done a 180 on vaccination. (Really!)

Never mind, why do I bother. Morons be morons. Same crowd that swallows Dotard’s LIES about a Stolen Election, with ZERO proof., so logic and facts ain’t gonna work with the brainiacs. If only they(R) just hurt themselves, not society in general, I wouldn’t give a shit.


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