The morons(R) refuse a vaccine, BUT after they get COVID beg for monoclonal anti-bodies, an experimental treatment that is less than a year old.

 Yup, the same idiots who refuse vaccinations, that have been around since George Washington mandated his troops be vaccinated against smallpox, rush to inject their bodies with ‘monoclonal anti-bodies’, cuz that’s what Dotard got after he was infected.

Can you say Hypocritical morons? And then the same idiots take livestock dewormer, but won’t get vaccinated. I wonder how many of the same double digit IQ jerks also drink bleach, cuz the Orange Clown also recommended that?

They won’t get vaccinated, but they do want to be treated with something after they get COVID19. So, whaat to give them, after they’ve taken dewormer and they’re still sick?

The answer turned out to be monoclonal antibodies, a 1-year-old, laboratory-created drug no less experimental than the vaccine. In a glass-walled enclosure at Houston Methodist Hospital this month, Jones, 65, became one of more than a million patients, including Donald Trump and Joe Rogan, to receive an antibody infusion as the virus has battered the United States.

Vaccine-resistant Americans are turning to the treatment with a zeal that has, at times, mystified their doctors, chasing down lengthy infusions (one and a half hours) after rejecting vaccines that cost one-hundredth as much.

Yup, they(R) won’t be inoculated, in a safe, effective process that’s been around for hundreds of years, BUT the morons(R) will demand expensive ($2100/dose), unproven experimental ‘cures’, cuz that’s what Trump got. 

Oh yeah, Trump and his entire family, like the entire FOX organization, also got VACCINATED, you idiots…..

Does anyone else wonder, ‘WTF is wrong with these morons(R)?’


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