For a Republican, John Sununu is surprisingly sane, and popular. I just hope the other Pubs don’t listen to him….

 One of the nation’s most popular governors and one of his party’s most prominent Trump critics, Mr. Sununu has grown increasingly adamant that his party must move beyond the 45th president, and he has publicly pledged to work against Mr. Trump’s nomination. 

If Mr. Trump is the nominee in 2024, “Republicans will lose again. Just as we did in 2018, 2020 and 2022.”

Sooo, as I’ve said SO many times.

PLEASE nominate the criminal/conman. Close to 40 % of our country will vote for Benedict Donald, cuz they don’t give a shit HOW many crimes he’s committed and how GUILTY he is.

BUT, the majority of Americans hate the Toxic Bag of Sludge and will vote for anyone, even a stumbling old man, to keep Boss Hogg out of office. 

Fortunately, the idiots are in the minority…..


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