In another TYPICAL example of FOX slinging BS to the sheep, the clowns claim that NBA viewership went down because the league became ‘woke’, which is where they want to place the blame for everything they don’t like, but it’s just more Bullshit Mountain Bullshit.

 You can trace the fall of NBA popularity to the cheating scandal among a group of officials, who threw MANY games and it became obvious to anyone watching what was going on.

A few well placed bogus calls, or hugely important non-calls, would decide who went to the playoffs, where the cheating scandal became obvious, with the mafia owning a few refs who raked in millions.

Just Google Tim Donaghy, one of the worst of the officials that ruined the game for many of us, who just quit watching, cuz it was SO obvious what was going on.

It took years for me to return to watching any NBA games.

BUT, the clowns at FOX would have you believe it’s cuz the commissioner went ‘woke’ and drove fans away.

Typical FOX bullshit, swallowed by the sheep, to prove their point that Wokeness is the root of all evil in our country today, and to help, don’t be caught dead with a Bud Lite.

Laughable, if it wasn’t so evil…


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