FOXNews and the Trumpies consistently cite polling that supports their whackjob ideas and conspiracy theories. And it’s ALWAYS the same poll that is at odds with legitimate polling agencies.

 Bullshit Mountain and Sir Lies Alot always quote Rasmussen Reports, which give a totally DIFFERENT a result from REAL polls.

Well, I finally found out WHY the results, that Dotard and the FOXClowns love to quote, are so skewed.

Their polling just uses people’s LANDLINES!

Who the heck uses landlines any more? 

Oh yeah, primarily poor, old, white folks, who think America went to Hell after them damned Hippies took over in the Sixties, with their Free Sex and loud rock music.

The firm is distinguished by a few crucial factors: For one thing, Rasmussen Reports uses an automated digital voice to poll people on the phone rather than live operators, which critics note excludes people who only use cell phones (thanks to a federal law prohibiting robocalls to cell phones).

Are you shittin’ me?

Yup, this is the portion of the public, sitting home in their MAGA hats, watching reruns of the Andy Griffith Show and taking time to answer questions from a rightwing robot on their landlines.

It explains a LOT, about where the numbers come from when FOX announces, ‘75% of the American people believe the 2020 election was STOLEN by fraudulent voting machines, controlled by Hugo Chavez’.

Who the hell swallows that crap?

Oh yeah, the gullible ignorant sheep, who talk to the Rasmussen Report polling robots…

A Major Polling Company Is Throwing Its Weight Behind Huge Conspiracy Theories

Rasmussen Reports is polling — and pushing — election denialism and COVID-19 vaccine skepticism.


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