Yahoo! Screw you, Dotard, and the morons who support your LYING, criminal life.

 One of the last orders that the Orange Turd did, after he LOST the election, was to try and move the HQ for Space Force from Colorado to Alabama, as a Thank You to the assholes who tried to help him steal the election.

And it REALLY pissed me off.

Well, the Cowardly Lyin got overturned, and the Space Force is staying with the Air Force, where it belongs, in Colorado Springs.

Screw you, Great White Dope, and the gullible ignorant sheep you rode in on.

And, a big f**k you, to Tommy Tuberville, (R) AL, who has put his religious dogma before military preparedness., by personally shutting down the entire system of promotions in the military, for nearly a year. 

And you wonder WHY I can’t stand ‘em?

What an asswipe, who helped his state lose a big prize, that never should have even been considered.


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