Why do they support an arrogant, LYING criminal/conman? Because they have no choice. If they take the high ground, he splits the party, and the vote, and they don’t have a chance, SOOO, they put up with his bullshit, because what began with ‘grab ‘em by the pussy’, has become normalized in the Repub Party, even when it results in a violent Insurrection, based on LIES of a Stolen Election.

 The rank and file has become so accustomed to lies and deceit that one more impeachment, one more indictment, one more felony conviction, one more lie just rolls off them, like water off a duck.

There’s NOTHING the criminal/conman could do, including shooting someone on Fifth Avenue, (his own words), that would turn the gullible, ignorant sheep away from the LYING gangster.

What does that say about them (R) and their party?

If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand…..

Why Republicans Play Dirty

They fear that if they stick to the rules, they will lose everything. Their behavior is a threat to democratic stability.


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