Ya think we could find any Repubs that LIED when they filled out the form, with this question, when they bought their hundreds of millions of firearms?

 The lie was denying that he was “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance.”

Ya think a Pub was ever an unlawful user of ‘any controlled substance’, and bought a gun?

They don’t care about inciting an insurrection, grabbing em by the pussy, stealing thousands of Top Secret documents, hiding and moving them and LYING about it, trying to overthrow an election or withholding govt funds to get dirt on an opponent, plus OVER 90 other felonies, BUT, obtain a firearm by the same lie that millions of THEM used, and prepare to be hit with charges.

Can you say HYPOCRITES?


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