Ya know, I’ve heard a lot of disrespect, lately, toward Donald Chump, BUT, just cuz he’s an egotistical, arrogant, LYING piece of crap, I think Nostra Dumbass oughta got the respect he DESERVES.

 Sooo, just cuz the Great White Dope is probably the Anti-Christ, is that reason to belittle the Endpoint of Republicanism?

We realize the Dumpster Fire who orchestrated the Jan 6 insurrection, and then did NOTHING for four hours as his StormTrumpers injured over 140 police ( and he desperately hoped the Insurrection would succeed), shouldn’t be called Al Cabonehead, (just cuz he is) and referring to Don the Con as F*ck Face von Clownstick isn’t how an ex prez of the US should be referred to, unless he IS the White Kanye, better known as a Bag of Toxic Sludge.

I probably shouldn’t refer to Little Donny Sissypants as Comrade Trumpski, but Putin’s Cockholster, or Dirtbag Donnie, doesn’t like it when we call him Der Gropenfuror, although Mr Oinker Boinker HAS been convicted of sexual harassment, and there are over a dozen women who claim the Donorrhea assaulted them. And then there’s the women that Mr Sphinctermouth paid off, for boinking while his wife was pregnant.

However, the Bloviating Buffoon denies ALL of it, and we know that Sir Lies a Lot wouldn’t tell a fib, although the Whiny Little Bitch can say or do ANYTHING and the gullible, ignorant sheep will swallow it all. I mean, just cuz the Orange Turd brags about ‘grabbing ‘em by the pussy’ that’s no reason to believe that the Sexual Predator in Chief, or Trumpty Dumpty, isn’t the morally bankrupt Bully Boy that he is so rightfully accused of being?

After all just cuz Il Douche claimed he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not be found guilty, does that mean his moronic minions would actually allow the Fraud of Fifth Avenue, better known as the King of Debt/Bankruptcy, get away with ANYTHING?

Well, just cuz most all the Pubs said he was DEFINITELY responsible for the bloodthirsty crowds when they were threatened on Jan 6, but then KISSED HIS ASS in the following weeks, that doesn’t mean 7that the Harbinger of the Apocalypse shouldn’t get the respect he deserves. The Great White Dope DEFINITELY should get what he deserves, and maybe Yosemite Scam will someday be held responsible I for making the US a laughingstock across the world, outside of Russia and North Korea, where they LOVE the Clown Prince, and Red Don probably sold/gave the hundreds of Top Secret documents he stole, and then LIED about. Why do YOU think the Ass Clown did it? Cuz the Grifter that keeps on Grifting DEFINITELY stole/hid/lied about over fifty boxes of documents. Oh yeah, they contained ‘golf clothes’, just like he told Sean….

OK, I gotta leave this beautiful back deck to start getting ready for Coach Prime to lead our Buffs against the CSU rams, with Gronk and The Rock in town, with all the other celebs, the Boulder Mall is gonna rock, like it did after the Buffs beat TCU and then kicked Cornhusker ass. And it’s too nice to let Dirtbag Donnie ruin my day, just cuz I heard that:

Over 70% of Repubs STILL think he WON the election, (setting me off, today), even though 60 courts, most with Pub judges said BULLSHIT! Can you say MORONS? WTF is WRONG with you people? I know you wanted the morally bankrupt, LYING slimeball to win, but he LOST! Deal with it! FOX got fined BIG TIME for catapulting the LIE about fraudulent election machines and a Stolen Election, for a reason.

Again, if I gotta explain, you’d sure ain’t gonna understand, but PLEASE, look at facts and evidence, instead of FOXBullshit, as the Far far rightwing of the formerly respectable Pub party make the empty ballsack of a man, KevBaby, impeach poor old Joe, for the unforgivable sin of having a drug addict son who traded on his daddy’s name, to make a buck.

Show me he’s guilty and I’ll vote to send him to the same prison that Boss Hogg should inhabit. Til then, just realize FOX paid over $780 million for continually/knowingly LYING to the gullible, ignorant sheep, but it didn’t phase ‘em, and the clowns of Bullshit Mountain haven’t changed a BIT, and neither have the sheep, who know where to go, to hear what they want to hear. Facts be damned…..


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