
Showing posts from July, 2024

Sure, old Joe had a disastrous debate,

   “But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trump’s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a  danger  to democracy and unfit for office.” What does it say for the Pubs, when the asshole can just LIE his ass off…and no one is the least bit surprised?  Cuz that’s just what everyone expects from the piece of crap.

In this complicated world, some things remain obvious

  The most obvious takeaway from last week’s presidential debate was that Donald Trump is still a lying, rambling, unhinged old man whose authoritarian mobster instincts would once again put our democracy at risk. The second most obvious is that voters must do everything to prevent him from regaining power. And the third is that President Biden is no longer the man to do that.

When I first saw what SCOTUS gave to Dotard, essentially making him a KING, being accountable to NO ONE, I was shocked,

 But then I realized those clowns were appointed by Boss Hogg, and it’s just what we should have expected. And then I realized…. Old Joe can just have the asshole assassinated. By Seal Team Six or whoever. Old Joe can have him and all his minions arrested, for ANY reason, and old Joe is protected. SOOO, screw em. Use their rules against them. Shoot em, send em to prison on Trumped up charges. No Problem. Seal Team 6, plus 5 and 4. Shoot em, starting with Boss Hogg. Can I buy the bullets? PLEASE! You got a problem with the SCOTUS ruling, and my solution? Hmmm, rightwingnuts? You ever heard about the goose and the gander? Your boy is allowed to Incite an Insurrection, steal Top Secret documents, send fake electors, ask for 12,000 votes and all the other bullshit? C’mon old Joe, have em shot, thrown in prison….No problem….Ask SCOTUS UnF-ing believable… After waiting over a year for the decision, so Boss Hogg doesn’t even have to have a trial. OMG! And I thought Nixon and the Viet Nam war

Wow! There was a time when Lindsay Graham actually told the truth? Who da thunk?

  Sen. Lindsey Graham’s (R-S.C.) 2016 social media post attacking then-GOP presidential hopeful   Donald Trump   hasn’t been deleted because, well, the senator confessed he simply didn’t realize it was still online. “If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…. and we will deserve it,” Graham warned in May 2016 as then-reality TV personality Trump marched toward the Republican presidential candidacy. Graham was among numerous GOP lawmakers who condemned Trump’s ascent at the time. Wow, that was a long time ago. Back when the Republicans were a respectable political party. Back when LYING was still frowned upon…. How things have changed, since Boss Hogg took over…….