When I first saw what SCOTUS gave to Dotard, essentially making him a KING, being accountable to NO ONE, I was shocked,

 But then I realized those clowns were appointed by Boss Hogg, and it’s just what we should have expected.

And then I realized….

Old Joe can just have the asshole assassinated. By Seal Team Six or whoever.

Old Joe can have him and all his minions arrested, for ANY reason, and old Joe is protected.

SOOO, screw em.

Use their rules against them.

Shoot em, send em to prison on Trumped up charges.

No Problem.

Seal Team 6, plus 5 and 4.

Shoot em, starting with Boss Hogg.

Can I buy the bullets?


You got a problem with the SCOTUS ruling, and my solution?

Hmmm, rightwingnuts?

You ever heard about the goose and the gander?

Your boy is allowed to Incite an Insurrection, steal Top Secret documents, send fake electors, ask for 12,000 votes and all the other bullshit?

C’mon old Joe, have em shot, thrown in prison….No problem….Ask SCOTUS

UnF-ing believable…

After waiting over a year for the decision, so Boss Hogg doesn’t even have to have a trial.


And I thought Nixon and the Viet Nam war was bad.

Our country, just flushed down the Repub toilet, and we now have a king, totally unaccountable.

Go for it, old Joe


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