Before J D Vance got the Repub ‘power at any/all costs disease, he was an intelligent human being.

 During this period, Vance’s rhetorical style was classically academic—articulate, nuanced, and peppered with caveats. He was also a passionate anti-Trumper. He condemned the former president as “an idiot,” described himself as a “Never Trump guy,” and messaged a friend that he vacillated between thinking that Trump was a “cynical asshole” and “America’s Hitler.” 

Then he got a whiff of the power and $ involved in Big Time Repub/Boss Hogg politics, and he sold what little soul he had left and kissed the ring/ass of the Lyin King.

Vance suggested that if Trump were to win the presidency again in 2024, he should “fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state and replace them with our people.”

“I gotta be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine one way or another,” Vance said.

A former marine, Vance also implied that the reason the Biden administration wanted to “to go and fight Vladmir Putin” was that Putin “didn’t believe in transgender rights.”  

In an interview with Jim Hoft, the founder of far-right blog the Gateway Pundit, Vance echoed a conspiracy theory pushed by Tucker Carlson, implying that Joe Biden was purposely attempting to flood the heartland with fentanyl to “punish people who didn’t vote for him.” 

And his rightwingnut bullshit goes on and on and on.

Seems like VP material, to anyone with a double digit IQ, which is Doatrd’s base.


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