As severe weather and record breaking heat becomes commonplace, I just wonder how many of the dumbasses(R) still don’t believe in Climate Change?

 Do these anti science morons(R) still swallow the crap from FOX?

Do the anti vaccine, ‘Trump WON in 2020’, Jan 6 criminals are ‘Patriots’ jerks(R) still think Global Warming is a Chinese plot?

Who knows….

Anyone who can look at the LYING, arrogant, morally bankrupt criminal conman and say, ‘Yup, presidential material’ has their head so firmly and deeply implanted that facts, reason and logic is wasted on them.

Not saying Biden is the guy, BUT, compared to the Lyin King, even old Joe looks good.

BTW, old Joe should take a hike, and let a competent replacement take over.

Don’t be Ruth Bader Biden.


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