Un-F-ing believable, but this is Boss Hogg, the ‘Christian’, speaking to the sheep, who have a plan, to take over….’

 (Thanks, to my buddy Dave…)

Trump to TPUSA rally: “You won’t have to vote anymore.”


Yep, I just finished watching (on the internet) the latest Trump speech at the Turning Point USA conference.  TPUSA is heavily Christo-fascist in nature – more religious than political.  And in the last few minutes of his speech, Trump just said the following to this crowd:


“And again, Christians, get out and vote – just this time - you won’t have to do it anymore.  Four more years - It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine – you won’t have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians – I love you Christians.  I’m a Christian, I love you  – get out, you’ve got to get out and vote. In four years you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have fixed so good that you’re not gonna have to vote.”


NOTE:  I re-ran the video half a dozen times to ensure that my transcription below is 100% accurate (well, I may have the punctuation marks off – because Trump doesn’t speak in full sentences – he just babbles in speech fragments).


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