Wow, everyone should have seen a Repub getting shot,

 cuz of the entire Dem culture, where Democrats are ‘all guns, all the time’, with all their assault rifles, yuuuge magazines, bump stocks, everyone ‘carry’ everywhere, get rid of background checks, open gun show sales, etc.

Yup, it’s those damn Democrats, and their pro gun policies.

What a bunch of cra, as the Pubs, like they do on Jan 6th and Trump’s assault on democracy.

Just tell the people to unsee and unhear what they’ve seen and heard, hundreds of times.

Typical Pub propaganda/bullshit, as their policies come back to bite ‘em and they blame the other side, for THEIR culture.

Who ya think has been talking about bloodshed and blood in the streets?

The same jerk who reaped the whirlwind, before he and his people put ‘the big spin’ on it, blaming old Joe.


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