It’s typical, but funny/sad to see the difference between FOX and the main stream media as they report political news.

 The main stream, called that for a reason, bends over backwards to give Boss Hogg coverage, even when it’s obvious that he’s lying his ass off, while Bullshit Mountain sticks to their Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD mantra with all their headlines and articles.

If I was ignorant enough to get my ‘news’ from the Repub Propaganda machine I’d hate all Dems and think the Lyin King was America’s savior too.

But I don’t live in a fact resistant bubble, like the gullible ignorant sheep, who think they're informed’ as they drink the party Kool Aid and support a LYING, morally bankrupt, criminal conman who won’t accept the results of the next election any more than he did the last one.

FOX/Pub world, where Inciting an Insurrection and storming the Capitol, based on LIES, is a patriotic act.

What a bunch of assholes….


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