Boss Hogg’s Army of Lawyers tried desperately to get his latest trial moved out of NYC, cuz, they claimed ‘people HATE him there’!

 Yup, where they’ve seen him in action, the hate him the most. He got 12% of the vote in NYC, where a corpse with (R) after its name could get 25%.

BUT, Bullshit Mountain convinced the Christian farmers that He’s Your Boy, and they voted for the LYING, morally bankrupt, conman in a yuuuge majority, cuz the gullible, ignorant sheep swallow Rupert Murdoch’s FOXCrap wholeheartedly.

Now we have JD Vance, and what do those who know him best think? They don’t like him, cuz he’s phony.

Vance currently has a net favorability rating of -16 points in his home region of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin.

It compares to -5 point net favorability in all polls.

“So, the people who know him best, the region that knows him best, they like him even less than America likes him,” said Enten.

Just like his running mate, who Incited an Insurrection, based on LIES, when he LOST!


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