I don’t always agree with everything Bill Maher says, but he nailed it this week.

 HBO host Bill Maher doesn’t believe that God’s hand saved former President Donald Trump from being killed by an assassin’s bullet last week and thinks those that do are getting close to making him a "demigod."

In the closing monologue of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the host mocked Trump supporters who have claimed that former President Trump’s assassination was prevented by an act of God, telling them to open their eyes and stop with the "magical thinking."

"Enough is enough with interpreting every event as a DM [direct message] from heaven," Maher said, rebuking religious Trump supporters during the segment.

Warning his supporters to avoid attaching religious significance to Trump, he continued, "America doesn’t need a demigod. From the pharaohs to Julius Caesar, to Hirohito, many cultures have tried it – the earthly being who is simultaneously divine or god-ish. And it never turns out well."


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