for historical fiction, BUT, the latest Bernard Cornwall novel, is about the battle of Agincourt, when, around 1420, the English king, attacked France, and won a HUGE battle, because he had archers. Outnumbered 4-1, the English cut down the French, from a distance, with the English longbows. I can relate, because I am an archer. In those days, it was like having a nuclear weapon. It was the typical King vs. Pope, and ALL about money and power. If people actually read history, there would be less 'blind faith', and more reality based thought. Money and power, with a side of 'religion for sale', is the history of mankind. If you read/understand history, you can see how the church took over, in a time of superstition, when men's souls were for sale. Sorry, if I offend, BUT, the church was/is 'for sale', and the insiders make a handsome living, dealing in souls and superstition. Bottom line, when you have no clue about science, physics and biology, religion expl...