Is there anything more obvious?
The Repub jerks are against ANYTHING that might help Obama and the Dems, even though it means health care will remain totally broken and overpriced, while bankrupting the gov't and individual families that happen to have a medical emergency. We have been WAY too close to this situation, with Kari and her surgeries. Costs are totally off the chart, with $40 bottles of water, $50 band aids, and $100,000 hospital rooms. Wait till it happens to you, then you will appreciate the good ol' boys of the Repub party, who fight any kind of reform, to make us equal to the rest of the civilized world. Absolutely sickening, when you find yourself at the mercy of the medical/insurance cos, that WILL bankrupt us all, for the profits of a few. Big business vs. the people. Let me guess who's gonna lose....