Action vs. REaction

There is NO doubt the gov't is spending WAY too much money on various bailouts and give away programs, but this is a REaction to the Repubs/Bush wrecking our economy, and who is to say what the right amount should be to keep us from a total crash. Does anyone want to pay higher taxes? NO, but it is a REaction to Bush tax cuts, while spending hundreds of billions on 'wars of choice'.The Health Care Reform, is way too complicated, at over 2000 pages, and paid for with money we don't have, BUT, this is REaction to health care costs that are way out of control. It is way too easy for the ins co's to drop you, or refuse to re-insure you, and at medical costs these days, if you have the bad luck to get seriously ill, you either die or are bankrupted, or both. The Dems passed the bill with no Repubs votes, for a reason. It was a REaction to the Repubs vowing to 'take Obama down' over health care. There is no room for compromise with such people. SO, are the Dems perfect, or even good? Not really, BUT they are reacting to reality, which is better than just sniping and saying NO! to everything, like the jerks on the other side.


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