Here we are again,

after health care reform finally moved forward, in spite of the Repubs that have NO problem with a trillion dollar war, based on, 'oops bad info', AND, love the fact that insurance companies make BIG bucks from our people's health problems, BUT, suddenly are pretending they are the party of 'fiscal responsibility', in spite of the fact they are the biggest budget busters in hisory. The party whose only 'fix' for the economy they busted, is more 'trickle down' tax breaks for the rich. About time, we catch up with the rest of the civilized world, IN SPITE, of the Repub jerks that fought it, and continue to fight it, tooth and nail.


ladyj said…
When you have Insurance companies, Hospitals, Doctors, Pharmacutical companies lobbying day and night to stop the Healthcare reform bill, you would expect the Republicans to be fighting to do anything and everything in their power to do so. The pickets, the Tea parties, the ads on TV and the papers, all anti-Healthcare and all part of the scam imposed on the American people by the aforementioned conglomerates. Talk about the Democrats being Socialists! What a laugh...The GOP, that P stands for PIMPS have been selling the citizens of this country a bill of goods not worth a plug nickle for ages!

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