And now, for the REST of the story

FOXNews picked up on a right-wing blog story, and ran a severely edited version of a speech, where a black USDA official used an example, from 24 years ago, how she had wrongly, at first, denied a white farmer the full benefits he could have gotten, if he had been nicer to her. She then said, in the part edited out, that she saw this was wrong, contacted him and made it right. The farmer now credits her with saving his farm. BUT, this 'hit-piece' bullshit journalism that FOX is so famous for, scared her boss and he fired her, cuz the right-wing scaremongers were running with the (edited) story. Now, the jerks at FOX are blaming Obama, that's right, for firing her without grounds. Typically, Bill O'Reilly is leading the charge. Unbelievable that people actually get their news from this bunch of clowns, but they do.


Fam Guy said…
Gonna take a bow here, cuz I was way out in front of the media in seeing this was a Bif F'in Deal. Fox Sucks, and this proves it. They distort news, BUT, the bad thing, people listen to these jerks. SO wrong, on so many levels. Nothing new here, but really sad.
ladyj said…
Next we will see Mel Gibson as a commentator on Fox......he's as friggin' crazy as the rest of them. Just as Conservative, just as racist, just as bi-polar as Beck, who by the way is going blind, I heard. He should have listened to his mommie, afterall, isn't that what happens to little boys who play with themselves.
FamGuy said…
I want to take this opportunity to apologize to clowns everywhere. I compared FOX 'journalists' to clowns, and just realized what an insult this is to those clowns who actually make an honest living, vs. those jerks at FOX, who get paid, by the right-wing nutball, Rupert Murdoch, to deceive the public. Sorry, clowns....

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