Did something today, that was really stupid

We started watching the 'Lost' series, downstairs. It's a nice finished basement, but when I was cleaning up down there, this morning, I saw a spider near my recliner, SO, I turned the chair upside down, and sprayed the inside with bug killer spray, just in case there were any more. I noticd later, that every time I shifted position, I got a whiff of the spray. After a while, I was SICK. Nauseated and dizzy. Didn't put it together at first, but noticed after I left, I got better, then when I went back was sick again. I poisoned myself w/bugspray. Flipped the chair over and put a fan on it. Bailey walked into the room and freaked out, sniffing the air, w/the chair upside down, slinking all over and bouncing off the ceiling when there was a noise. Hopefully it's over now, but I was SICK.


ladyj said…
there's so much I could say, however, I believe Bailey said it all when she bounced off the ceiling and freaked out.
Anonymous said…
Probably not the last stupid thing you'll do...knowing you!
Anonymous said…
Hope you are alright! I just sprayed downstairs yesterday and the spiders were running! Harley didn't bounce off the ceiling, just sneezed! That is quite a cat you have there! Very smart!

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