Here we are,

about a month after the last time I posted that Bailey was out cruising, during the full moon. Guess what? A full moon, again, and she's been gone for about 5 hours. The bad news? There's a large 'great horned owl' sitting on our, and our neighbor's, roofs. Scares the heck outta me. Carol is out with the kids, and Bailey is out 'who knows where', with a huge owl hunting our neighborhood. Pretty scary as I keep walking around calling her. Little BRAT!, you need to get inside.


Fam Guy said…
Carol finally cornered her after 1:00. She's been sleeping like a log since then. Bailey, not Carol.
old gal said…
Please don't let anything happen to my daemon...
Fam Guy said…
Luckily, the owl didn't get her, and it only cost me a few hours sleep the night before my big golf tourney. Little brat....
Fam Guy said…
I guess you'd need to be familiar w/ The Golden Compass to know about Carol's daemon. Loved that series of books....

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