I just hope.

the right-wing, redneck 'jeniuses', who have disputed the 'over 95%' of scientists who say the earth is warming, in favor of the Rush/O'Reilly crowd who disputes it, are enjoying getting their asses cooked during this latest hot spell. They love to quote the 'lunatic fringe' who doubts that warming is real. I gotta love it, as I watch from Broomfield, where it is 68 right now.


ladyj said…
I couldn't believe it when someone from the Weather Channel asked this dumb Sh*t Senator, who is a disbeliever in Global warming, and showed him a thermometer with a temp of 93 degrees, how he could justify his belief that this was just a fluke? This Senator said (and I quote), "we are in a cold snap." This is Washington DC, people! Our representatives; bill makers; serving our needs; keeping us safe from the idiots out there in Crazyville. Now is the time to get down on our collective knees and pray to the Big Kahuna and ask for SUPREME guidence, cuz brothers and sisters, we really need it.
Unknown said…
Can you tell me where you get the 95% of scientist believe in global warming. We are actually in a cold cycle as the cycle goes. Can you tell me how a cap and trade tax will control the sunspots? How short is your memory span? Do you remember last winter obummer was talking up cap and trade and off to Copenhagen and the east coast was getting shut down with snow blizzards. If we enacted cap and trade last year, or 10 years ago, do you really think it would be cooler than 93 degrees this year. Yeah bigger government and higher taxes that will fix it.

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