It all boils down to one question.

The Repubs keep saying, "How come you can't fix the huge, stinking mess, we made, and, by the way, we want it RIGHT NOW?" AND, (whine, whine) quit blaming us just cuz the economy was totally wrecked after 8 years of Bush and the Repubs. We don't want to hear that, any more. (Wah, wah...) It's time you Dems took some responsibility for the problems we Repubs caused. (Whine, cry, bitch and moan...)


Anonymous said…
So what is the question is all boils down to? Did I miss something?
Fam Guy said…
I was hoping you'd ask. The question? Who the hell caused this mess? Pretty obvious,for anyone with a brain. DUH... Who was in charge for 8 years????
Fam Guy said…
If there were ever POSITIVE, ABSOLUTE truth, that the Repubs don't have clue, or any semblence of logical, rational thought, it is the fact that SO many of them can look at the current mess they caused, and say, "It's not our fault!' Blame Obama cuz he hasn't fixed it soon enough. Case closed.
Jim said…
The dems have been in charge for the last 3 1/2 years. They have been in charge of the house and senate and obummer blames the repubs because he has trouble getting his policy's passed. Many of the dems don't even believe in him and his crap. He has to do back room deals and bribes to get stuff passed.
ladyj said…
Jim!!! And you're denying that the Republicans NEVER in all the 8 years of the Bush admin., ever, had one closed door deal??? Or the any of this administration? Come on Jimbo...what friggin planet on you living on?
Fam Guy said…
'Jim' proves my point. Thye don't have a clue OOOOO,wah wah, it's not our fault, after 8 years in charge. What a bunch of losers.
Jim said…
Where in my response does it say the repubs never did a closed door session? I thought bush should have been impeach. But that period has come and gone. It is the current administration which has to be held accountable for what they are doing or not doing. It appears neither Ladyj nor FamGuy is willing to discuss that but only blame repubs. What planet am I living on? Ladyj I am living on the planet where because of the bush admin., obama campaigned for change. That he would have the healthcare bill done on TV, bipartisan and no special deals. obama lied. obama said "I'll make our government open and transparent. obama lied. "When I'm president meetings where laws are made will be more open to the public, no more secrecy. That's a commitment I make to you as president." obama lied. Is that all you got FamGuy to say people do not have a clue? wah wah wah. After 8 years in charge. Again the dems have been in charge now for over 3.5 years and each year gets worse. You made one posting about lurkers who don't leave comments but when you don't like them it is you that goes wah wah wah and offers no facts or discussion to back up your point of view.
ladyj said…
You're absolutely correct, Jim. Obama did indeed state those words and indeed he has not followed through on his promises. For that, I too, am not pleased.
To find corruption in the Democratic side of the Congress, after the Speaker of the House, herself said honesty would prevail, again I am angered and disappointed. BUT, we as citizens must hold our government accountable. I send e-mail to my district Congressman/woman.
Fam Guy said…
Absolutely unbelievable. Jim looks at a few campaign promises Obabma didn't keep, and a simple majority in Congress for the last 2 years of the Bush 'reign of error' and concludes. It's not our fault, it's the Dems. Not those 8 years of starting (unpaid for) wars, based on lies, taqking the price of oil off the charts, changing financial disclosure rules so a few at the top could rape the system, etc, BUT, the problem is Obama, who inherited the worst mess since the great depression. GO back under your rock Jim, where your Repub friends will believe your revisionist crap.
Fam Guy said…
In a nutshell, sure Obama is guilty of not keeping lots of campaign promises. but that is not the cause of our current mess, so don't change the subject. As to the 3.5 years of Dem 'control'? You gotta be kidding....
ladyj said…
Way back when the Republicans ruled everything, they had a plan to get rid of small business and back BIG business, because they believed our country would run better, smoother and our economy would generate more income on BIG Corporations. Well, we've seen how badly that has worked, haven't we? Mom & Pop stores have gone belly up and small machine shops are out of business. No name grocery stores are no more. Hardware, construction, car repair, you name it, gone, all because of BIG Government listening to BIG business. Now BIG ass business is overseas paying some Indian kid to make auto parts for half of what would be paid here in the states! Who did it? Say it along with me, will you? REPUBLICANS!!!!!!!!
Jim said…
When did I say it is not our fault. u seem to imply I am a republican. I hate both parties and what they have both done to the American people. One thing I am saying is that the democrats, which u seem to be, simply want to blame the bush years. Like I said he should have been impeached. His admin. is over and obama admin. needs to answer for what it does and doesn't do. I also call and email my Reps. often. I hold each admin. responsible for the damage they do. U are right about one thing though, U are full of farts.
ladyj said…
Really mature Jim..." U are full of Farts"? I haven't a clue to it's meaning, but it does sound like something a 6 year old might say say to another 6 year old. As for me, I don't hate either party, just pity the fools. I'm more Independent. I vote for the individual, not the party. Is that clear enough for ya' Jim? Try a bit harder Jim,next time.
FamGuy said…
For a little while there, you had my attention. I am NOT a Dem, but lean that way after the last Repub admin wrecked out way of life. BUT, 'U are right about one thing, U are full of farts'. What are you? 12 years old, smoking pot in the closet? Neverr mind, admit it not, you are a Repub. Never mind, I wouldn't admit it either.
ladyj said…
OMG!! A closet chain pot smoker! And a farter, to boot......people beware.
Jim said…
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Jim said…
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Jim said…
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Fam Guy said…
I'm gonna borrow this from Paul Krugman's blog, posted today.
[F]or the big whiners out there: this is my blog, which I do for free. I welcome a lively discussion, and don’t edit out hostile comments if they’re brief and free of obscenities. But if you want a soapbox for interminable rants, I have no obligation to provide it; go start your own blog, and find your own readers.

Jim, you've got some good thoughts, but for the most part you just want to bitch about the Dems and give the Repubs a free pass. I'm tired of it, so your last several rants are gone.

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