This is the night,

that Kari is using the tix, that she bought w/the money she won, in the schools' biggest loser' contest. Yup, she's near the front for Lady Gaga. Hope she's having a great time. She worked hard to win it, so now it's time to celebrate. Enjoy, honey. Just wonder how she dressed? If I know Kari, it's something that'll jump out at ya.


Anonymous said…
Ah.... It was sooo much fun. The show was amazing and the outfits in the crowd were fantastic. Had an absolute blast!!!
ladyj said…
So tell me -hb- did Lady GaGa resemble a guy as the speculation is out that she may possibly be a fellow? Or couldn't you tell beyond the "costumes"?
Anonymous said…
If she is, she's hiding "it" quite well. Her costumes did not leave much to the imagination.
ladyj said…
There are many "Queens" out there, who can hide "it" extremely well. RuPaul is one example.
Dr. Oz states that you can tell by the size of a man's index finger how large or small his "it" is. (I wonder how many lurkers will now be looking at index fingers).

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