At our Sunday brunch,

Dave Hardy gave me a book he thought I'd like, SO, when I got a little bored with the mega-series I was into last night, I remembered I had, 'Sh*t My Dad Says', and started on it. As I continually laughed out loud, Carol kept asking. 'What are you doing?' I couldn't put it down and read the whole thing after I started it at 8:00 last night. I gotta get my kids to read it so they realize that I could have been a whole lot worse. This was turned into a TV series and now they're making a movie out of it. I don't think I've ever laughed out loud so much while reading. Thanks, Dave. C'mon, Nate and Kari, you gotta read this...


Anonymous said…
Can I borrow it?
Fam Guy said…
I don't know. Who are you?
Anonymous said…
Fam Guy said…
You can pick it up tonight.

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