FOXNews headline today,

'Obama Not Serious About Debt'. Every poll, Dem and Repub, says that the issue most Americans are concerned about is jobs and employment, BY FAR. But, the Repubs, after totally trashing our economy, want to ram through cost-cutting measures, right at the time the people need help to recover from the last time they were in charge. Screw the economy/people, and maybe if it's bad enough they'll be stupid enough to put the Repubs back in charge. Wouldn't be the first time they took advantage of the sheep who get their news from FOX.


ladyj said…
One would think, if Congress is actually serious about cutting cost, why not do away with some of their benefits. Actually they're not hurting in the wage department, so I would assume a few purges from the old basket of goodies they have voted themselves over the years could not break they backs. What these Congress men and women will receive in retirement would cause celebration for many a middle class individual.
Anonymous said…
All this "cost-cutting" bs is just that: bs. With 1.5 trillion dollar deficits, 4 billion is nothing.

After four years of Dem rule in the Senate and House, we have so much debt now that we'll never get out of it...and yet some people are still blaming the republicans.

Open your eyes, man!
ladyj said…
It's called PORK, fool, and everyone uses it, Dem and Rep alike. You just can't blame one party over another. Also, we must stop funding overseas aid, such as sending tax dollars to countries to assist in repairing Mosques! This is supposedly to bolster relationship between Muslim and the West. LOL on that idea. And how about closing down some of our overseas military bases which are of no use in places such as Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Hawaii. It doesn't have to be a total pull-out, but closing a few bases overseas would help.
Government spending is out of control across the board, always has been. When you are spending someone else's money..hey what ya' gotta lose, eh?
Fam Guy said…
Imagine that. Blaming the Repubs just cuz they took a great economy in 2000, and totally trashed it in the next 8 years to the point that the gov't is forced to spend trillions of dollars they don't have, just to try to keep it afloat. I know, those 8 yrs of Bush/Repub rule, leading up to it, was just a coincidence, with the 'oops, bad info war', oil prices up tenfold w/the Bush/Cheney oil cartel in charge, and the change in fanancial rules that allowed 'liar loans' to wreck the entire system. Yup. Poor George was just 'unlucky' it happened on his watch. GO back to your fantasy world and FOXNews, anon.
ladyj said…
tell you what, Anon, you have a better idea, let's hear it.......

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