On 60 Minutes, tonight,

 the 8th anniversary of 'shock and awe', they interviewed 'Curve Ball', the #1 witness for the Bush admin to start the war in Iraq.  IF, you believe W's story, the Bush boys got fooled, as they based a war on one persons' lies. Ha ha. Even they aren't that stupid. It was all a scam. They also interviewed CB's supervisor, who was offered $50,000 to go along with the lie, but he refused. It was W's lies, not curve ball's, who carried the day. When some questioned CB's credentials at the 'war meeting' they were shouted down by the Bushies. Colin Powell was lied to, and he passed on the lie. W wanted a war to pump up the price of oil, and he got it. The truth is finally coming out, even  for those that are too dense to see what happened. C'mon, even the sheep gotta see this obvious crap. This guy was the basis for their lies. Bottom line, there were NO WMD, but W got his war, and we got the consequences. Thanks George, your lies are becoming WAY obvious, to anyone who wants the truth, which doesn't apply to the sheep. Some things never change.


Anonymous said…
When you commit a nation to war on one man's lies, you must have really wanted a war.

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