Because I was curious

and have the time, I have been researching whether ethanol provides as much or more energy than it takes to produce it. Seems the answer is highly political, depending on whose side you're on, and what variables are included in the equation. Bottom line, when you factor in ALL the energy involved, from planting to the pump, including the fact that every gallon has to be trucked in, cuz the highly corrosive ethanol can't be pumped through gas pipelines, it's break-even at best, and wouldn't be at all profitable, if not for gov't subsidies. When 'other' costs are included, such as the rise in food costs, because so much farm land is used for fuel, rather than food, it's not even close. Considering the wasted water, from ever sinking, irreplaceable aquifers, esp during drought years, and the whole program is downright criminal, as 'the many' pay for the profits of a few.


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