There's a lot of noise out there,

from Pubs, about the demise of the Repub party, when you compare their shrinking base with that of the Dems. Also, if you can read graphs, they show that demographics and 'enlightened thinking', through better education, clearly favors the Dems. Not so fast, I say. In a nutshell, though we are slowly emerging from the catastrophe of the Bush years, we are still in deep doo doo, and unless Congress can quit their partisan bickering (not likely) and deal with the fiscal cliff, huge gov't debt, underwater mortgages and, most importantly, JOBS, let alone the slow motion train wreck in Europe, I just don't see a rosy scenario that's gonna make it all better. Sorry if that makes me a cynic, but I just look at facts. SO, if I had to bet, I'd say the Pubs will be back in 4 years, cuz the public will say that Obama had his chance, and after 8 years it's time for new leadership, although NO ONE could have fixed the disaster of the Bush legacy. I REALLY hope I'm wrong, but I try to live in the real world, and that's the view from here. In other words, the death of the Repub party, has been greatly exagerated.


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