Oh Really?

10:07AM EST November 8. 2012 - Some Republicans aren't holding back when it comes to assessing what went wrong for the party in the election.
Steve LaTourette, R-Ohio, on CNN's Starting Point. "We have to get out of people's lives, get out of people's bedrooms and we have to be a national party, or else we're going to lose."
Exit polls show President Obama's re-election was delivered through the votes of young people, minorities and women. LaTourette says the nation's red-blue map, showing the states that voted for Obama and Mitt Romney, points to a larger problem for the GOP.
"The Republican Party cannot be a national party if we give up the entire coastlines of the United States."
Nope, but you can always count on the Top Ten lowest education/lowest income states, the HQ of the Repub party, bastion of racists and main audience of FOXNews. That demographic is 'in the bag', for the Repubs.


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