I don't usually

support a boycott, incl Chick Fil A, even though I didn't agree with them. Papa John's is different.
Having a boycott created is as easy as one, two, three: (1) start a pizza chain; (2) tell people that you plan on passing health care reform’s cost on to customers; (3) tell everyone you plan on cutting workers’ hours so you don’t have to insure them.
And presto pizza, we present to you the Papa John’s Obamacare boycott meme!
If you don’t know already, Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter has almost singlehandedly slapped a derogatory Internet meme on his own company after a number of Obamacare-related PR disasters. Then the meme started, eventually climaxing in our personal favorite: “Better ingredients. Better pizza. Better find a second job.”

Too bad, cuz I kinda liked PJ's, but their CEO is a real a-hole. Health care for his employees would be about 4 cents a pizza, NOT the 14 cents he claimed and could come out of his HUGE profits, be passed on to customers, or a combination. BTW, who LIKES paying for healthcare? It's just something that someone has to to do, including me and you, and wealthy business owners are as good as anyone. Yumm. Domino's Pizza....


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