Dotard’s pushing for his WALL, although most Americans, by far, don’t want it.

Most of his own party doesn’t want it and most Texans, where the majority of it would be built, incl the Rep Congressmen, don’t want it.
BUT, the Liar in Chief says he will sign ZERO legislation in the new year unless his tantrum is upheld and he gets money for his wall.
Cuz the far rightwingnuts, incl the clowns at FOX, are bitchin’ about his ‘promise’, conveniently forgettting the second half, as in ‘Mexico will pay for it’.
What a way to run a country, but what do you expect from an a-hole that pays off porn stars and LIESS about it, can’t run a charity, a university, a casino and MANY other failed enterprises and just takes another bankruptcy, skimming off the cash, every time his idiotic mistakes tank his plans.

Thanks a bunch, rightwingnut sheep, for putting a LYING, Russian-backed, ‘Christian’, NYC conman at the helm of our country.


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