Michael Cohen, Dotard’s personal Fixer, has been sentenced to prison, but says he feels free. Free from the whims of an arrogant crook, who uses lawyers and others to twist, bend and break laws for hiis own personal profit.

He said he had been living “in a personal and mental incarceration ever since the day that I accepted the offer to work for a real estate mogul.”
Responding to a Trump tweet that called him weak, Cohen said that he was weak because “time and time again I felt it was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds.”

Deeds like paying off Dotard’s bimboes, that the Clown said he didn’t know, then claimed the lawyer paid them off, then claimed he paid them, but it’s OK. LIES after LIES, again and again.
Do you rightwingnut, gullible minions ever get SICK of all his LIES?
DIdn’t think so, cuz HYPOCRITES R U, in your sick world where anything with (R) after it is just fine....

What am I thinking?
THe ‘Christians’ Who are fine the the Pussy Grabber, sure aren’t gonna have a problem with paying off hookers while his wife is home with their new son, and then LYING< continually, about it.
Can you imagine if it was Obama? HA!
We’d be talking lynch mobs, from the Moral Majority, the dirty mob that lives by one motto, the one from FOX.
Dems BAD—-Pubs GOOD, now shut up.


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