Seems Dotard can’t find a new Chief of Staff,

even though the job comes with ‘full benefits’, incl sick leave, health insurance and govt housing, for 3-5 years....
Sorta like trying to convince a rat to jump ON a sinking ship.
Dotard described his former choice, Rex Tillerson as ‘dumb as a rock and lazy as hell’.
Who wouldn’t wanna work for this asshole?

And from the Liar in Chief, an actual quote,
“I haven’t heard this, but I can only tell you this:
Hillary CLinton-her husband got money, she got money, she paid money, why doesn’t somebody talk about that?”

No shit, straight quote from the Russian-backed, LYING, multiply bankrupt, Pussy Grabber that the rightwingnuts saw and thought, ‘That guy is presidential material’!


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