I hear from the rightwingnut who accuse me

of wanting open borders, abolishing ICE, ‘taking your guns’and all the other crap preached by Rush and Sean about generic Liberals,
I say ‘Screw you’, I and typical Libs aren’t for any of that crap, BUT, the Conmen use LIARS, like the Liar in Chief, to build a wall, (like the one Dotard said Mexico would pay for), between the 1/3 of Trump supporters and the 2/3 of rational Americans.
If you have a ‘specific’ problem with one of my posts, FINE, but don’t lump me into the Bullshit Mountain ‘straw men’ who are the punching bags for the LIARS at FOXNews, rallying the gullible minions who ‘Prasie Jesus’ and vote Repub, even for the Pussy Grabber who hates the same people the Bible claims to support.
C’mon, quit being SOOOO gullible, for the Pubs who just USE you, for their agenda which is ‘all abou the money’.
Yup, Dotard’s a Christian..... How gullible/stupid/ignorant can you get?
Again, I have no problem with spirituality, but when they’re herded together, to vote Repub, for the RUSSIAN-BACKED CANDIDATE, cuz of LIES, I have. REAL problem, as my country gets screwed by a NYC conman, cuz the sheep get their ‘news’ from the Repub Propaganda Network, the brain-child of Roger Ailes, another YUUUUGE conman.
Can you say GULLIBLE?


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