Wow, I miss this guy.

Click on the link and see what a REAL president is like, not some LYIING, arrogant asshole.
A clip of Obama’s jokes at the Press Club ‘Roast’ that Dotard refuses to attend cuz he’s an arrogant, incompetent asshole, and doesn’t like to be reminded.
Really, check it out, it’s funny and is good to see what an intelligent, qualified US president is like, cuz we’ve all forgotten, with the Orange CLown in charge, who grabs pussy, pays off Bimboes, is supported by the Russians (ever wonder WHY, rightwingnuts?} and LIES constantly. How the hell anyone can support the LYING jerk(R) is beyond reason.....
All Obama did was FIX the YUUUGE economic crash of the last Repub admin, put us on a sustainable path to lower the debt, gradually increase the economy WITHOUT an irresponsible tax cut for the rich, keep us out of WAR, the Repub staple for building the economy, and won the respect of our allies (now FORMER allies).
Only the a-holes at FOX could twist reality and make it look BAD.
Screw Dotard and the gullible sheep he rode in on.
Click on the link, laugh and enjoy what the US used to be, and hopefully can be again.....


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