FOX gets booted from #1, by MSNBC, which is kinda surprising,

Cuz ‘all the crazies’ are concentrated in one, propaganda-fed, gullible pile of sheep, while the sane people are spread out in the ‘Main Stream Media’, (called so for a reason).
Yup, most people BY FAR, spread their viewing across over a half dozen sites, (all with more viewership than FOX) but the FOXSheep all ‘flock together’ at Bullshit Mountain to hear Sean and the crew ‘catapult the propaganda’, as GW once said, in a rare moment of candor.
Bottom line, the clueless, gullible sheep will continue to tune into the place where they are GUARANTEED to hear the message they wanna hear.

DEMS BAD——-PUBS GOOD, in a variety of formats, packaged with blonde bimbos, high tech news rooms and some ‘real’ news thrown in to fill some time.

Some things never change, BUT, we are seeing some progress, as the ‘Fair and Balanced’ Bozos dropped their moniker, cuz not even they could say it with a straight face, and are now trailing MSNBC, plus nearly ALL the ‘real’ news networks.
There will always be a place for FOX, though, cuz so many sheep(R) are willfully ignorant, happily swallow the LIES from Dotard and Bullshit Mountain and will never change.


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